To place the huge variety of aircraft types photographed over the years into appropriate and consistent categories proved not always easy.

Except for the gallery “On the Ground”, with a few exceptions only, all others exclusively contain air-to-air photography.

The main division chosen for is between military and civil, ‘modern’ and historic. ‘Modern’ starting in 1970 already!

The date of construction of a specific aircraft defines the gallery chosen. Various examples of a same type built over many years thus may appear in several sections.

Replicas are positioned in the year of the original design.

Some special projects, events and visits have been allocated a separate gallery. Under Military, for example, Jordan and Portugal became separate mixes of all types portrayed over many years.

Aircraft operated by government agencies, such as police forces or semi-military units have been given a military header.

Historic airliners have been placed in the 1A-03 Gallery.

The Royal Netherlands Air Force Historic Flight, with whom I have been associated for over 40 years has its own gallery.

For practical reasons YAK and Sukhoi aircraft portrayed are collated under the “(Thunder) Yaks” demo team header.